Seen Haus - Merging NFTs with Real Assets

Seen Haus is an innovative auction platform that merges NFTs with real-world assets, providing a unique marketplace for collectors

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What is Seen Haus?

Seen Haus is a pioneering auction platform that combines blockchain technology with physical collectibles, creating a unique marketplace for NFTs representing tangible products.
By leveraging the popularity and unique features of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Seen Haus connects digital investments with real-world assets like art, jewelry, watches, and cars. These items are auctioned as NFTs with the option for physical delivery.
This mix of digital and physical elements appeals to a wide range of collectors and investors, making Seen Haus a standout in the growing Web3 space.

Features of Seen Haus

  • Hybrid Auctions: Seen Haus conducts auctions for NFTs that represent both digital and physical versions of collectible items.
  • Diverse Collectibles: The platform offers a variety of items, including artwork, luxury goods, and unique collectibles.
  • Blockchain Integration: Utilizes blockchain for transparent and secure transactions.
  • Community Engagement: The platform has strong community channels for updates and user interaction.
  • Real Estate NFTs: In collaboration with Propy, Seen Haus has entered the real estate market, offering real estate NFTs, a novel concept in the industry.

Pros of Seen Haus

  • Innovation: Combining physical items with NFTs offers a new approach in the digital asset space.
  • Security: Blockchain technology provides secure and transparent transactions.
  • Exclusive Offerings: Auctions feature unique and high-value items that may not be available elsewhere.
  • Community Building: Emphasis on community engagement and creating a network of collectors and enthusiasts.

Cons of Seen Haus

  • Market Niche: The idea of NFTs representing physical goods is still new and might not attract traditional collectors or investors.
  • Complexity: The dual nature of the items being auctioned can make it harder to understand and participate in the auctions.
  • Dependency on Tech: Fully participating requires a good understanding of NFTs and blockchain technology.



What types of items can I find at Seen Haus auctions?

  • Seen Haus primarily auctions NFTs that represent a variety of items, including art, luxury watches, cars, and jewelry. These NFTs often come with the option to claim the physical version of the item.

How does Seen Haus ensure the authenticity of items?

  • The platform uses blockchain technology, which provides a transparent and unchangeable record of transactions, ensuring the authenticity and ownership history of the auctioned items.

Can I participate in auctions from any country?

  • Participation in Seen Haus auctions is generally open internationally, though interested parties should check local laws regarding NFTs and the import of certain physical goods.

What happens if I win an NFT auction that includes a physical item?

  • Winners of auctions at Seen Haus that include physical items have the option to redeem the physical item. The details of delivery and handling are provided at the time of the auction.

Visit Seen Haus -

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