SourceCred - Rewarding Community Contributions

SourceCred offers a unique approach to measuring and rewarding community contributions through a graph-based algorithm

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What is SourceCred?

SourceCred is a tool created for communities to measure and reward value creation in projects or collaborative environments. It works by measuring individual contributions through a system called "Cred" and rewarding them with a digital currency called "Grain."
SourceCred uses a graph-based algorithm to track and show contributions and their impacts within the community, making sure valuable efforts are recognized and rewarded.

Features of SourceCred

  • Cred and Grain System: Cred is a non-transferable score that reflects the value of contributions, while Grain is a transferable digital currency linked to Cred scores.
  • Graph-Based Visualization: Contributions are shown in a dynamic graph that displays the flow and impact of each contribution within the project.
  • Plugin Integration: SourceCred works with platforms like GitHub, Discord, and Discourse to track contributions directly from these tools.
  • Customizable Weights: Communities can set custom weights in the SourceCred algorithm to define which types of contributions are most valuable.

Pros of SourceCred

  • Transparency in Contribution Valuation: Provides a clear and visual way to understand how each contribution adds value to the project.
  • Encourages Active Participation: By rewarding contributions with Cred and Grain, it motivates ongoing engagement and participation within the community.
  • Flexible and Adaptable: The system allows communities to set their own parameters on what is valued, making it versatile across different types of projects and goals.

Cons of SourceCred

  • Complexity: The idea of Cred and the algorithms behind it can be hard to understand and use effectively without a technical background.
  • Potential for Gaming the System: Like any system that measures contributions, there's a risk that users might try to manipulate the metrics to earn more Cred or Grain.



How does the Cred scoring system work?

  • Cred is given based on the value of contributions as determined and weighted by the community. This is shown in a contribution graph where links between contributions indicate influence and support.

Can I convert Cred into real money?

  • Cred itself cannot be transferred or converted into real money. However, Grain, which is earned along with Cred, can be transferable and potentially converted into real money depending on the community's setup and policies.

How is Grain allocated to contributors?

  • Grain is given to contributors based on their Cred scores. Distribution policies can vary by project, including regular payouts or special distributions based on specific milestones or goals.

How can a community customize the value of contributions?

  • Communities can customize how contributions are valued by adjusting the weights assigned to different types of contributions within the SourceCred system. This helps tailor the Cred scoring to better reflect the community’s values and goals.

What types of contributions does SourceCred track?

  • SourceCred tracks various types of contributions, including code commits on GitHub, discussions on Discourse, and interactions on Discord. The system is designed to be extendable to other platforms through the development of additional plugins.

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